Krisada Phromsuthirak

Lecturer at the Faculty

Education Background

Bachelor’s degree
– Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering), Kasetsart University
Master’s degree
– Master of Engineering (Electrical Engineering), Kasetsart University

Journal Publications

  • Automated molting detection system for commercial soft-shell crab (Portunus pelagicus) production (ScienceAsia 2022)
  • Progressive focusing algorithm for reliable pose estimation of latent fingerprints (IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 2019)

Research Papers

  • Can We Distinguish Genuine Minutiae from Imposter Minutiae (ECTI-CON 2020)
  • Semi-automatic progressive enhancement for latent fingerprints (ICDP 2019)
  • Reference-point detection for latent fingerprint images based on spectrum analysis (ECTI-CON 2018)
  • Leaf classification based on a quadratic curved axis (ICIP 2017)
  • Latent fingerprints segmentation based on rearranged fourier subbands (ICB 2015)
  • Fingerprint quality assessment using frequency and orientation subbands of block-based fourier transform (ICB 2013)

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