General education refers to fundamental courses offered to all students at the institute. The students are requested to accumulate at least 33 credits of general education courses throughout the programs.
The courses offered by the OGE aim to instill widened-perspective, insightful, and diverse knowledge, promote positive and responsible attitude, as well as enhance lifelong learning, soft, and practical skills. The students will be able to communicate clearly and effectively, build awareness of cultural diversity both in Thai and international perspective, and adapt knowledge and skills for their daily and professional life.
The OGE offers diverse courses in four academic fields including social studies, humanities, science and mathematics, and language (Thai, English, and third languages).
Each course of each field promotes and develops students’ knowledge and skills.
For example, Creative Thinking for Society, The Philosophy of Sufficient Economy, Leadership and Personality, Communication and Presentation Skills, Science for Quality of Life, Thai Language for Communication, or English for Career.
CDTI emphasizes on communication skills. Therefore, in addition to Thai and English, the students at CDTI can choose a third language among Chinese, Japanese, German, and French. These courses focus on the communicative function for daily and professional use.
Tel: 02-280-0551
Fax: 02-280-0552
Every Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
(except public holidays)
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