The faculty aims to produce good and highly competent graduates equipped with knowledge and skills related to industrial technology. The curricula have been prudently organized in accordance with the royal initiative “Study and Work – Work and Study” conceptual framework to encourage work efficiency and to correspond with the current trends of modern industrial technology.
The curriculum, which is organized around a Study and Work strategy, is designed to produce and supply highly competent graduates who can meet the demands of the engineering industry.
The curriculum, which is structured with Work and Study strategy, focuses on strengthening personnel with advanced engineering skills to be adaptive to changes and to accommodate future production and service in the form of START UP. This meets the requirements of the current workforce.
Tel: 02-280-0551
Fax: 02-280-0552
Every Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
(except public holidays)
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