Faculty of Business Administration, Chitralada Technology Institute, has continuously developed our internationally-recognised curriculums to cope with the market dynamics and demands. Our program has two majors :
1. Food Business Management
Degree to be awarded: Bachelor of Business Administration (Food Business Management)
This major aims to develop professional and ethical human resources to drive the food industry toward the future.
2. Entrepreneurship
Degree to be awarded: Bachelor of Business Administration (Entrepreneurship)
This major aims to develop a professional business person who can utilise their entrepreneurial skills and mindset to start a new business (Entrepreneurship) or apply the skills to a job in a company (Intrapreneurship)
The food industry is one of the key industries driving the Thai economy. It is a strategic pillar of creating sustainable growth for the Thai economy. Due to the industry’s significant growth, specialists are highly demanded. Thus, our program is designed to develop professional and ethical human resources to support the unmet demand within the industry and drive the Thai food industry to a new high level in the future.
The highly dynamic market, like nowadays, creates a wider choice of businesses and occupations. The popular profession for the new generation shifts from being a regular employee to being an entrepreneur. Also, the company requires their employees to think as entrepreneurs more than ever to ensure sustainable growth. These are the consequences of the government initiatives aiming to drive the Thai economy by supporting new businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs. If you seek to apply entrepreneurial skills to exploit business opportunities or to the existing organisation, our program in Entrepreneurship may be a solution to these goals.
Tel: 02-280-0551
Fax: 02-280-0552
Every Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
(except public holidays)
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