Chitralada Vocational School

  • High Vocational Certificate (High Voc. Cert.)
  • Vocational Certificate (Voc. Cert.)

About us


Chitralada Vocational School, which operates under the auspices of Chitralada Technology Institute, provides vocational and high vocational certificate levels in a variety of study programs such as agriculture, business administration, entertainment, and music industry, home economics, industry, and information and communication technology. The school’s customized programs in the integrated state-of-the-art teaching and learning methodologies, as well as rigorous practical training programs in the country’s leading companies, distinguish the school and increase students’ professional skills and quality, as well as their potential for taking the next steps in the real society of careers and professions.


Highlights of the program
Chitralada Vocational School provides students with the opportunity to participate actively in shaping their educational plans, broaden their experiences, and study deeply. Students can enroll in the following fields of study and programs to suit their interests and potentials:

  1. Regular Education Program
    This program is designed for students to gradually acquire knowledge and process their professions’ core and functional competencies.  Students are required to attend classes for 6 semesters at the vocational certificate level and 4 semesters at the high vocational certificate level.  Before graduation, they have to participate in practical training at real workplaces in more than 80 leading companies throughout the country during summer semesters.
  1. Dual Vocational Education Program
    In collaboration with networking leading companies, the school sets up a professional practice scheme for high vocational students.  Students obtain fundamental professional knowledge and life skills by taking courses with expert teachers at specially designed workshops on campus during the first year, followed by another year of practical training in networking workplaces.  Upon graduation, students are offered appropriate occupations by these companies.
  1. Dual Degree Program
    Based on the cooperation with partner vocational and technical colleges in China, the school has initiated 2 dual degree programs in high vocational education level in mechatronics and robotics with Tianjin Bohai Vocational Technical College, and embedded system software with Guizhou Light Industry Technical College.  Students are granted 2 high vocational certificates from the colleges in China and CDTI upon the completion of their study programs.
    The school also organized short-term programs in food and nutrition with Leshan Vocational and Technical College for over the past 10 years.


Fields of study

  • Automotive Body and Painting (dual vocational education program)
  • Automotive Parts Production (dual vocational education program)
  • Automotive Technology (regular/dual vocational education programs)
  • Control and Maintenance Techniques for Transportation Railway System
  • Embedded System Software (2-3 years dual degree program)
  • Food Industry
  • Industrial Electronics (regular/dual vocational education programs)
  • International Food Chef (dual vocational education program)
  • International Food and Nutrition
  • Information Technology
  • Marketing
  • Mechatronics and Robotics (dual vocational education/dual degree programs)
  • Power Electrics (regular/dual vocational education programs)
  • Thai Food Chef
  • Thai Musical Instrument Craftsmanship Technology


Admission requirements for High Vocational Certificate

An applicant must have completed a higher secondary education level, hold a vocational certificate in allied fields of study, or equivalent from a school or institution accredited by the Ministry of Education.

Highlights of the program
Chitralada Vocational School provides students with the opportunity to participate actively in shaping their educational plans, broaden their experiences, and study deeply. Students can enroll in the following fields of study and programs to suit their interests and potentials:

  1. Regular Education Program
    This program is designed for students to gradually acquire knowledge and process their professions’ core and functional competencies.  Students are required to attend classes for 6 semesters at the vocational certificate level and 4 semesters at the high vocational certificate level.  Before graduation, they have to participate in practical training at real workplaces in more than 80 leading companies throughout the country during summer semesters.
  1. Dual Education Program
    The school has launched a new dual education program in innovative agriculture with Wangchanwittaya School in Rayong Province. Students are able to gain knowledge and skills through the integrated teaching and learning methodology, supported by experts and lecturers from the National Science and Technology Development Agency, Petroleum Authority of Thailand, Department of Agricultural Extension, and Kamnoetvidya Science Academy.
    Students will be granted 2 certificates in higher secondary education and vocational levels after their graduation.


Fields of study

  • Automobile
  • Electronics
  • Embedded System
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Information Technology
  • Innovative Agriculture (dual education program)
  • Marketing
  • Mechanics
  • Power Electrics
  • Thai Musical Instrument Craftsmanship


Admission requirements for Vocational Certificate

An applicant must have completed lower secondary education (Mattayomsuksa 3 or Grade 9) from a school accredited by the Ministry of Education.

News and Activities


Dr. Nualanong Thumjaroen
Director of Chitralada Vocational School
Dr. Nualanong Thumjaroen
Director of Chitralada Vocational School
Surat Junyam
Chulalak Kuptrarat
Deputy director of academic affairs
Chutimawan Kaewchamnong
Deputy director of student affairs
Jira Sangkejkij
Assistant Director of Administration
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