The curriculum, which is structured with Work and Study strategy, focuses on strengthening personnel with advanced engineering skills to be adaptive to changes and to accommodate future production and service in the form of START UP. This meets the requirements of the current workforce.
Highlight of program
The Module Learning Method
Industrial: Safety and health, Quality control, Maintenance technology, Material handling systems, Information systems for industrial management
Project planning and management, Innovation and design, Industrial technology seminar, Coaching, Entrepreneurship
Year 1 :
students take fundamental courses in innovative technology to build essential skills in planning, quality controlling, thinking and analyzing, and designing preliminary-structure projects.
Year 2 :
students examine and apply technology to gain abilities in communicating, instructing, managing, and becoming an entrepreneur.
Tel: 02-280-0551
Fax: 02-280-0552
Every Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
(except public holidays)
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