Course / Branch

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering B. Eng. (Computer Engineering)

The computer engineering program teaches the fundamentals of the computer field through a series of theory and practical classes in basic engineering and computer engineering, such as electronics for I/O interfacing, computer organization, embedded systems, operating systems, and networking, etc. The emphasis is not only on computer concepts and theories, but also on practical working skills. There are two specializations available in the program. Students can pursue specializations in either Internet of Things (IoT) or Data Engineering after two years, depending on their interests. As electives, students can gain current knowledge and skill sets in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud Computing, Big Data, and Smart Cities.


  1. Understand the essence of various subsystems in order to handle the complexity of large systems
  2. Understand the concept of digital technology and computer system, hardware and software design, system requirements, system development and performance evaluation, and computer system maintenance
  3. Possess a broad knowledge and basic skills in engineering fields and have in-depth expertise in computer engineering subjects
  4. Gain experiences in hardware and software design, requirements gathering, planning, requirements specification, and development to conduct at least 1 capstone project
  5. Acquire skills in using various tools in engineering, hardware and software development, and effective assessment program
  6. Understand the responsibilities of professional engineers in terms of way of living, communication, professional ethics, professional councils and relevant laws, and the impact of the profession to the society and the environment
  7. Exhibit skills to present and write technical reports as well as analyze and review other’s works

Candidate Qualifications

  • An applicant must have a high school diploma with at least 30 credits in science and mathematics, or a vocational certificate with an emphasis on industrial, electronics, telecommunications, or computer technology, or an equivalent from a school or institution accredited by the Ministry of Education.

Course Structure

Program structure (127 total credit requirement)
General Education Courses 33 credits
  • Social Science 6 credits
  • Humanities 6 credits
  • Science and Mathematics 6 credits
  • Language 15 credits
Specific Required Courses 88 credits
  • Core courses 30 credits
  • Major required courses 43 credits
  • Major elective courses 15 credits
Free Elective Courses 6 credits


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Asynchronous Programming Development
  • Computation Structure
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Embedded Systems and IoT
  • High Level Design for Digital Systems
  • Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining
  • Technologies for Smart City
  • Web Application Development

Career Perspective

  • Big data system engineer
  • Computer business owner/entrepreneur
  • Computer engineer
  • Computer researcher/academic assistant
  • Educator
  • Embedded system developer
  • Integrated computer network and information system staff
  • Software developer

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