Course / Branch

Bachelor of Business Administration (Food Business Management)

Bachelor of Business Administration (Food Business Management)

The food industry is one of the key industries driving the Thai economy. It is a strategic pillar of creating sustainable growth for the Thai economy. Due to the industry’s significant growth, specialists are highly demanded. Thus, our program is designed to develop professional and ethical human resources to support the unmet demand within the industry and drive the Thai food industry to a new high level in the future.


  • A perfect balance of food science and business management curriculum
  • Integrative teaching techniques from highly qualified lecturers and business leaders
  • Focus on the application of theory into practice
  • 1 Year internship at leading food companies/organisations
  • Strong collaboration with our industrial partners

Candidate Qualifications

Admission Criteria

  • High school certificate (More 6) or Equivalent OR High Vocational Certificate


Admission Method

  • Applicants may apply via our admission website. The qualified applicants will then be invited for an interview with the admission committee. The admission will be undergone between October and May of the following year.


Tuition Fee
29,500 baht* per academic semester
Please note that the fee can be changed later.


The internship is an important part of our curriculum. The students will be embarked on an internship at a reputable/leading organisation for at least 12 months (27 credits).


There is an outstanding academic scholarship (100% tuition fee waiver) for the candidate with high academic achievement. Alternatively, there are also other scholarships available for the candidates, such as

  • Tuition waivers and monthly allowance
  • Sport Scholarship
  • Merit-based scholarship
  • Need-based scholarship

Course Structure

Total required credit for graduation: 129 Credits
a. General Education Courses 33 Credits
b. Specific Requirement Courses: 90 Credits
c. Free Elective Courses: 6 Credits


What will you learn?
Our goals for the Bachelor Of Business Administration at Chitralada Technolgy Institute are to equip the students with the following:

  • Practicability
  • Professionalism
  • Eager to learn and work hard
  • Effective communication skills


Area of Specialization

  • Food Industry Business
  • Food Service Business


Your study journey during 4 years at CDTI

Year 1 : Global, Society, Languages, and Creativity
Year 2 : Principle of Business
Year 3 : Food Science and Nutrition
Year 4 : Internship and Special Project

Career Perspective

Graduate Destinations

  • Food Entrepreneurs
  • Specialists and Executives in Food Factories or Restaurants
  • Government officials in relation to food


Experiential learning through internship

Chitralada Education System focuses on experiential learning through the systematic internship program. The students will be equipped with strong theoretical knowledge at our institution. After that, They will embark on an internship at a leading organisation, where students can apply their knowledge to practice. This will broaden their horizons and develop their workplace soft skills. So our graduates will be well-qualified for any possible business opportunities in the future.

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