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ดร. ศักดิพล เจือศรีกุล



– เศรษฐศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์

– บริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่

– Ph.D. in Business Administration (Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management), Carson College of Business, Washington State University, USA

หนังสือ | Books

ศักดิพล เจือศรีกุล, ณัฐพล ราธี และ พราวพรรณราย มัลลิกะมาลย์. สูตรลับผู้ประกอบการ ฉบับนักเรียน. 2560


บทความวิชาการ | Journal Publications

  • Juasrikul, Sakdipon., Yim, Sean., and Liu, Richie. “Distance between Emerging and Developed Economies on Cross-Border Alliance Governance”, International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets (Forthcoming)
  • Neale, Nathan., Sahaym, Arvin., Noack, David, and Juasrikul, Sakdipon., “The kids are all right: Adolescent deviance, innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking” The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2024. 35 (1) 32-44.
  • Yanu, Wiphada., Juasrikul, Sakdipon., Supanich, Nessara., Mankang, Nishanunn., Wedchayanon, Wichai., “Exploring the Relationship between Market Orientation and Performance Thai Startups” Journal of Family Business and Management Studies, 2023. 13 (1)
  • Juasrikul, Sakdipon., and Vandenberg, Paul., “Thailand’s Evolving Ecosystem Support for Technology Startups”, Ecosystems for Technology Startup in Asia, and the Pacific, Asian Development Bank Report, 2022. 4 (1-26)
  • Liu, Richie., Juasrikul, Sakdipon., and Yim, Sean. “Effect of Seeking Resource Diversity on Post-Alliance Outcome” Australasian Marketing Journal, 2022. 30 (4) 352-363.
  • Oo, Pyayt., Allison, Thomas., Sahaym, Arvin., and Juasrikul, Sakdipon., “User entrepreneurs’ multiple identities and crowdfunding performance: Effects through product innovativeness, perceived passion, and need similarity” Journal of Business Venturing, 2019. 34 (5), 105895
  • Juasrikul, Sakdipon., Sahaym, Arvin., Yim, Sean, and Liu, Richie. “Do Cross-Border Alliances with MNEs from Developed Economies Create Firm Value for MNEs From Emerging Economies?” Journal of Business Research, 2018. 93, 98-110.
  • Oo, Pyayt., Sahaym, Arvin., Juasrikul, Sakdipon., and Lee., Sang-Youn. “The interplay of entrepreneurship education and national cultures in entrepreneurial activity: a social cognitive perspective”, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 2018 16, 398-420.
  • Lee, Sangyoun., Sahaym, Arvin., Cullen, John., and Juasrikul, Sakdipon. “Family Involvement and the entry mode into entrepreneurship: The Contingent Role of National Culture”, The Journal of Small Business Innovation, 2017. 18(1)
  • Juasrikul, Sakdipon., Rahman, Zafrin., and Sukpanich Nessara “The Influence of Individual’s Perception of Entrepreneurial Education, Start-up Barrier and Entrepreneurial Social Status on Individual Entrepreneurial Aptitude”, UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics, 2015


งานวิจัย | Research Projects

  • Juasrikul, Sakdipon, “Supporting the Implementation of Youth and Digitalization in Asia: Policies and Initiatives to Promote Youth Entrepreneurship and Startup Ecosystems in Agrifood and Rural Sector (Country: Thailand)”, Granted by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
  • Chiralaksanakul, Anukal, and Juasrikul, Sakdipon. “Monitoring and Evaluation Model for Thailand Innovation System”, Granted by National Innovation Agency, 2022
  • Chiralaksanakul, Anukal, and Juasrikul, Sakdipon. “Innovation Ecosystem Development for Industrial Sector”, Granted by National Innovation Agency, 2021
  • Juasrikul, Sakdipon. “Financing and Growth of Tech Start-ups in Thailand”, Granted by Asian Development Bank. 2019


รางวัลและทุน | Scholarships and Awards

  • Winner Emerging Market Showcase, Decision Science Institute (DSI) Conference, 2022
  • UTCC Research Excellent Award (Highest Citation), 2022
  • UTCC Research Excellent Award (Highest Impact Factor), 2020


ความเชี่ยวชาญ | Research interest

  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset
  • Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and Policy
  • International Venturing in Emerging Market
  • Entrepreneurial Finance